
CFS Tribe Membership Policy

At CrossFit Santry (CFS Tribe), we prioritise transparency and exceptional service for our members. The following policies outline the terms for membership cancellations, missed memberships, and membership pauses. By purchasing a membership at CrossFit Santry, you agree to abide by these policies:

1. Cancellation Policy

1.1 Notice Requirement
- 1.1.1 To pause or terminate your membership, a minimum of 7 days' notice must be given to CFS Tribe management.
- 1.1.2 Notice can be provided in person at our facility, via email, or through our designated communication channels.

1.2 Consequences of Non-Compliance
- 1.2.1 Failure to provide the required 7 days' notice to pause or terminate your membership will result in your next month's fee being charged as normal.

1.3 Exceptions
- 1.3.1 In exceptional circumstances such as medical emergencies or unforeseen events, CFS Tribe management may waive the 7-day notice requirement at their discretion.

1.4 Membership Pause
- 1.4.1 Members may choose to pause their membership for a specific period, provided the 7-day notice is given which states the date of pause and the intended return date. During the paused period, membership fees will be suspended.

1.5 Termination of Membership
- 1.5.1 If you wish to terminate your membership, the cancellation will take effect at the end of the current billing cycle following the 7-day notice period.

1.6 Amendments to the Policy
1.6.1 CFS Tribe reserves the right to amend this cancellation policy at any time. Members will be notified of any changes in writing or via email.

By purchasing a membership at CFS Tribe, you acknowledge and agree to comply with the terms of this 7-day cancellation policy.

2. Missed Membership Policy

2.1 Policy Overview
- 2.1.1 Any missed memberships booked through LegitFit will incur a processing fee of €5. This fee counteracts the costs incurred by CFS Tribe due to missed payments.
- 2.1.2 It is the responsibility of each member to ensure that they pay or cancel their memberships within the designated time frame.

2.2 Implementation
- 2.2.1 Members will be notified of this policy at the time of purchasing their membership through LegitFit.
- 2.2.2 If a member fails to pay or cancel their membership on time, a processing fee of €5 will be applied to their account.
- 2.2.3 The missed membership fee will be automatically charged to the member's payment method on file with LegitFit or the member will be emailed to pay at their earliest convenience at the gym.

2.3 Exceptions
- 2.3.1 In case of genuine emergencies or unforeseen circumstances, exceptions may be made to waive the missed membership fee. Members must provide valid documentation or proof of the emergency.
- 2.3.2 If the missed appointment is due to technical issues with LegitFit or the booking system, the fee may be waived upon verification.

3. Membership Pause Policy

3.1 Eligibility for Membership Pause
- 3.1.1 Members in good standing with an active membership are eligible to request a pause.
- 3.1.2 The membership must be active for a minimum of three consecutive months before becoming eligible for a pause.

3.2 Duration of Pause
- 3.2.1 Members may request a pause for a minimum of two weeks and a maximum of three consecutive months.
- 3.2.2 Longer pauses may be considered in exceptional circumstances, subject to management approval.

3.3 Frequency of Pauses
- 3.3.1 Members may request a pause once every twelve-month period.
- 3.3.2 Subsequent pause requests within the same twelve-month period may be considered at the discretion of management.

3.4 Request Process
- 3.4.1 Pause requests must be submitted via email to crossfitsantry@gmail.com.
- 3.4.2 Requests must be submitted at least 7 days before the desired pause start and should include the end date.
- 3.4.3 The request should include the reason for the pause and the proposed duration.

3.5 Membership Dues During Pause
- 3.5.1 During the pause period, membership dues will be suspended.
- 3.5.2 Any prepaid membership fees will be credited to the member's account to be used upon their return.

3.6 Resuming Membership
- 3.6.1 Members must inform CFS Tribe of their intention to resume their membership from the offset or at least 7 days before the end of the pause period.
- 3.6.2 Upon resuming membership, standard billing will resume on the next scheduled billing date.

3.7 Membership Freeze Limitations
- 3.7.1 Pauses cannot be applied retroactively.
- 3.7.2 Pauses cannot be extended past their original reinstatement date.
- 3.7.3 Pauses cannot be used to extend the membership beyond its original expiration date.

3.8 Exceptions
- 3.8.1 In cases of medical reasons, exceptions to the eligibility, duration, or frequency of pauses may be granted with appropriate documentation.

3.9 Termination of Membership
- 3.9.1 Members who wish to terminate their membership permanently should refer to our membership cancellation policy.

3.10 Policy Review
- 3.10.1 This policy is subject to periodic review and may be updated or amended at the discretion of CFS Tribe management.

By adhering to these policies, you help maintain a safe, fair, and effective training environment for all members. Your cooperation and commitment to our community is appreciated. We look forward to helping you discover the joy of movement, redefine your limits, and unlock your full potential with our expert coaches and vibrant community at CFS Tribe.